Every Believer
A Soul Winner
Every Soul Winner
A Bible Study Leader
Every Bible Study
A Leader Trainer
Every Bible
A Potential Church
Module 1: Every Believer a Soul Winner
1. Why Win Souls?
- God has commanded us. (Matthew 28:19-20)
- The task is huge requiring the help of everyone. (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:3-4).
2. How To Be a Soul Winner
- Must know how to present a personal testimony. (Revelation 12:11)
- Must be able to present a simple Gospel presentation.
3. Personal Testimony Training
- Model/share your own testimony in 3 minutes or less.
- Have each participant write down their testimony as simple as possible in a half sheet of paper. Encourage them that you will help. Testimony should include:
- heir life before Christ (do not over-emphasize old life)
- how they came to surrender their life to Christ
- their new life after coming to Christ (emphasize God’s transforming power)
- Check/review written testimonies of those participants you think need help.
- Have each of them read their testimony to themselves in a loud voice 5 times.
- Have the group divide themselves into pairs of 2 and let them practice telling their testimony to each other. Let them do this at least 3 times. Switch partners each time. Encourage them to help each other improve their testimony.
- If you have time, have each of them tell their testimony in front of the group. Encourage the giving of feedback to improve their delivery.
4. Gospel Presentation and Sinner’s Prayer Training
- Model a presentation of the Gospel. Use a simple tool like the “Evangecube” or “Evange-paper” as a model.
- Model the sinner’s prayer. A simple way to teach the sinner’s prayer is to remember these three key points:
- Admit that you are a sinner and need forgiveness.
- Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave to bring you to God.
- Confess that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, and commit to live for Him the rest of your life.
- An example would be: “Dear God, I know I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that You sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the grave to give me life. Please forgive me and change me. I surrender my life to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
- Do the Gospel presentation and the sinner’s prayer together at least 3 times to ensure that everyone understands and remembers the whole presentation.
- Pair them into groups of 2 and have them practice the Gospel presentation and sinner’s prayer with each other. Let them do this at least 3 times, Switch partners each time. Encourage them to give feedback to improve their presentation.
- Have each of them present the Gospel in front of the group. Encourage feedback as they do this.
5. Practice Testimony, Gospel Presentation and Sinner’s Prayer Altogether Note:
- The total presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
- Model the whole presentation once. In pairs of 2, have them practice the presentation of their testimony, the Gospel and the sinner’s prayer together. Let them do this at least 3 times. Switch partners each time.
6. Identify Target People There are 2 ways to do this:
- Territorial mapping — Identify nearby villages that do not have a church and make this your target area. You can organize ministry teams and events to reach out to these villages.
- Circle of Influence — Have each participant pray and write 25 names of unbelievers who belong to their circle of influence: family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, schoolmates. Have them pray and ask God for 5 names from their list whom they can witness to that week using what they have just learned and practiced. Also encourage them to pray for the person that they are planning to witness to before the actual visit and offer prayers for that person’s needs, regardless whether he/she accepts the Gospel or not.
7.Commissioning Pray for them and commission them to do their commitment.
- Teach on the need to be equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit before they go. (Luke 24:47- 49; Acts 1:8)
- Lay hands on them for them to receive the power to witness.
- Send them out to witness as:
- Pairs of 2 (Luke 10:2)
- Ministry teams (Acts 11:20; Acts 13:13)
- Individuals (Acts 8:5; Acts 8:26)
Module 2: Every Soul Winner a Bible Study Leader
Note: Start the session by asking the group if they have shared their testimonies and the Gospel in the last week, and have them share their experiences. Offer encouragement and advice.
- Why organize Bible Studies/Small Groups?
- After a person receives Jesus, the next step is to teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).
- This teaching can best take place in a small group setting. Use the method below because it is simple and easy. It also enables maximum participation and it is an obedience based rather than knowledge-based Bible study.
- Model a Bible Study
- Select a short passage from the Bible. (e.g Luke 10:1-5)
- Have each of the participants read the passage one verse at a time.
- Lead the discussion by asking the following questions*:
- Which verse do you like best?
- What verse is not clear to you and you need more explanation?
- What do these verses tell you about God?
- What do these verses tell you about people?
- What do these verses teach you that you need to obey?
- Whom will you tell about what you have learned?
- As you lead the discussion make sure:
- Everyone contributes and no one monopolizes the discussion.
- Each one has an application to obey.
- Each one has a person in mind with whom to share his learning
- Write down the commitments each person is making Remind them that at the next meeting, there will be a review on commitments made.
- Practice Bible Study Groups: Divide the class into groups of 5. Have them select a leader/facilitator for each group and let them do Step 2 as outlined above. Rotate discussion leadership for at least 3 practice Bible Studies or until each one has been given the chance to facilitate a discussion, if there is enough time. Encourage feedback among themselves as they practice.
- Encourage: Encourage each one to start Bible Studies with the people that they have witnessed to. Also, encourage them to continue witnessing to the remaining persons on their list.
Commission: Pray for their commissioning and provide the following topics/verses as their discussion guide:
Theme | Session | Passage |
Salvation | 1 | 1 John 5:11-13 |
Salvation | 2 | John 1:10-14 |
New Life in Christ | 3 | 2 Corinthians 5:9-17 |
New Life in Christ | 4 | Colossians 3:12-17 or Romans 6:1-14 |
Obedience /Baptism | 5 | Mark 16:15-18 or Matthew 28 & Luke 10 |
Obedience | 6 | James 1:21-25 |
Suffering | 7 | 1 Peter 4:12-19 |
Suffering | 8 | James 1:2-6 & 12-15 |
Church | 9 | Acts 2:41-47 |
Note: You will need to schedule Bible Study Sessions since enough time should be spent for skills practice and you need at least 8 hours to teach and for them to practice the skills.
*This method was adapted from the “I Am Second” model which was formed by E3 Partners.
Module 3: Every Bible Study Leader a Trainer
Note: Begin by asking them if they have already started a small group and their experience. Also ask if they have witnessed to new people during the past week.
- Why Should Bible Study Leaders become Trainers/Disciplers? Every new believer should start witnessing and whenever possible start a new Bible Study. In addition, they may be commissioned to train their members to witness and start own Bible Study groups as well, so that multiplication will take place.
- When Should we Start Training? Trainers’ training should start during session 5 of the Bible Study when the subject of obedience to the Word is discussed, (or earlier, depending on the progress of the Bible Study members). One of the commands of Jesus that needs to be obeyed is to evangelize and teach (Matthew 28:19-20).
- How is Training Done? Follow module 1 for Soul Winners training and module 2 for Bible Study/ Small Group Leaders training.
Module 4: Every Bible Study a Potential Church
Note: Begin by asking them:
- Are they witnessing to new people?
- How is their small group doing?
- Have they started training their group to become Trainers?
- Why Start Churches? – This is what Jesus wants to build. (Matthew 16:18) – Jesus is coming back for His Church. (Ephesians 5:27)
- What is a Church?
- Workshop 1 – What is a church based on everyone’s personal ideas?
- Discuss the following questions with the whole group, or through a breakout workshop:
- in their own understanding what is a the definition of a church?
- what are the activities that a church does?
- Workshop 2 What – is a church based on what the Bible says?
- Based on Acts 2:41-47 let the group answer the following questions:
- who are members of a church?
- what are the practices done by the early church?
- Answers to Workshop 2 Questions: A church is a group of believers who:
- Are baptized (have a COVENANT with God) (Acts 2:41)
- Meet regularly (have a COVENANT with each other) (Acts 2:42-46)
- Practice the following:
- Teaching of the Word (Acts 2:42)
- Fellowship (Acts 2:42)
- Communion (Acts 2:42)
- Prayer (Acts 2:42)
- Giving (Acts 2:44-45)
- Worship (Acts 2:47)
- Witnessing (Acts:2:47 the Lord added new souls daily)
- Are led by caring leaders (Acts2:43;Titus1:5-9)
- Workshop 3 – What practices are you doing now in your Bible Study group? Compare discussion results of item a and b above. Compare current Bible Study practices to item b. Have them identify the practices that need to be integrated to their existing Bible Study for it to become a church. This will give the participants the idea that they need to add only a few spiritual practices for their Bible Study group to become a church.
- When to Start a Church
- During Session 9 of the small group meeting when the subject of church is taken up.
- The Bible Study members have the intention to continue to stand as God’s witness and to represent the Body of Christ in the area. They have also shown a desire to “take the land” and expand God’s Kingdom in their area.
- How to Start a Church
- Begin integrating what can immediately be done and develop a plan for the items that may take time to implement (e.g. permanent church leaders).
- Start with a proclamation/prayer of commitment by all members.
- Appoint and/or commission a pastor (may be temporary or permanent).
- What Should Happen in a Church Gathering
- Time to LOOK BACK
- Spend time following up the commitments that each person made last week during the small group discussion (obedience to the Word and whom to share with).
- Spend time following up how many new people they have witnessed to or how many Bible Studies/small groups they have started.
- Spend time to talk about personal problems for prayer.
- Spend time vision casting.
- Time to LOOK UP – Spend time to:
- Worship the Lord
- Give to the Lord (Tithes and Offering)
- Study the Bible Passage-“I Am Second” discussion (or, other Bible study methods familiar/effective to the members)
- Have a short follow up teaching by Church Leader
- Take Communion
- Pray for needs of the people
- Practice the current “I Am Second” lesson discussed in preparation for the Bible Studies/small groups that each one has started.
- Plan for new persons to be witnessed to and new small groups that will be started.
- Time to LOOK BACK
It is worth noting that these three parts of a church meeting each have specific purposes. It will be necessary to consistently focus and all three parts in order for the church group to grow and spread throughout the community and other villages. However, when time is limited you may need to choose to focus on some parts while spending less time on other parts.
The “LOOK BACK” section is very important to minister to the personal needs of the people in the group and encourage accountability in sharing the Gospel with unbelievers and for them to be refreshed in the vision of reaching the lost.
The “LOOK FORWARD” section is also important to help the members plan about who they will share the Gospel with in the coming week and to practice the lesson they will be sharing in their own Bible Study Groups.
The “LOOK UP” section is also important, but could be shortened especially in the amount of time spent discussing the Bible passage and the “follow up teaching” by the Church Leader.
Since the members should already be growing spiritually through the general practices of Christians, (See page 31 for “Practices in Daily Living for a Christian) this church gathering should focus on the things that will project them towards fulfilling the Great Commission and the discipling of nations. Remember these changes would only be made if the time given is shorter than usual. In a normal meeting an equal amount of time would be given to each section.