The SPAN teams from the sending country work with CMC and the teams from the receiving country together for one or two weeks to:
- Bring people to faith in Christ
- Develop new churches (the body more then the buildings)
- Encourage and empower Christians in that region to work together in unity for the glory of God.
Outreaches are conducted in different ways in different countries, according to local customs, limitations and resources. See the descriptions for each country on this website, which include
information about the outreaches, or visit the SPAN website.
If you are interested in a more in-depth description of how SPAN uses Strategic Team Missions, Jonathan Morris has written a paper explaining our philosophies, available from the SPAN website.

Prayer Focus
- For a harvest of souls throughout the world.
- For CMC to be effective in it’s activities around the world – mobilizing the body of Christ for evangelism and church planting.
- For the various CMC networks around the world to increase in strength and impact in the Philippines, Ethiopia, Uganda, Peru, Myanmar.
- For the nation where you are laboring, that God will extend his kingdom and transform that part of the world through Christ’s love in the power of his Spirit.
- For un-reached people groups and segments of society in places where CMC works, both in villages and cities.