The CMC Vision: A church in every village
The heart of CMC International is found in Jesus’ prayer (John 17:20-21), “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
Far too often members of the body of Jesus Christ have argued, slandered each other and even refused to fellowship together. Such disunity has given the unsaved world a distorted picture of Christ. It is high time that the members of Christ’s body worked together to advance His kingdom. In John 17:23 Jesus prays, “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
In recent years we have seen a worldwide movement of the Holy Spirit that has brought leaders of various Christian denominations together for prayer and fellowship. We believe that God has been preparing believers to work together to advance His kingdom.

CMC is a proven and effective church planting movement that depends on pastors of various Christian church denominations working together to plant a church in every town and village within their sphere of influence. We call each such group of pastors a “local pastors’ network”.
The goal of CMC International is to share the vision of a church in every town and village and encourage and guide the formation of many such pastors’ networks in nations all over the world. Pastors’ networks are currently multiplying in the Philippines (CMC Philippines) and Africa (CMC Africa), with Haiti and Peru next on the agenda.
Each local pastor’s network is typically comprised of between 15 and 25 pastors, representing three or more different denominations, as well as independent churches.
The pastors in each network agree to:
- meet together (usually) once each month to pray for each other and to advance plans for planting churches in their areas.
- help each other and share resources – such as sound equipment, vehicles, etc.
- each try to plant one church in the next 12 months.

Each pastor who plants a church does so for his particular denomination. So, a Baptist pastor plants a Baptist church, and an Assembly of God pastor plants an assembly of God church. The idea is that Jesus deserves to be worshipped in every town and village of every country, and no one denomination can accomplish the huge task of planting that many churches by itself. Only by working together can this be accomplished.